Car Accidents
Car accidents are among the leading causes of accidents in the United States. In fact, over 1.5
million car accidents in America in 2023 have led to personal injuries. Over 50,000 of those
accidents have led to deaths. With so many personal injuries stemming from car accidents, it
only makes sense to seek the services of a personal injury attorney to help you get the
compensation you need after a car accident.
If you find yourself dealing with severe injuries or the tragic loss of a family member due to a car
accident resulting from the negligent or reckless behavior of another party, there is a possibility
to seek compensation for the financial burdens and profound disruptions it has caused in your
life. At Flores Law Group, we are renowned for our expertise in car accident cases and possess
substantial knowledge in securing settlements and jury verdicts.
If you are interested in learning more about how one of our legal experts can get you the
compensation you deserve, contact us today to explore the various legal avenues open to you
and obtain further details.
Some of the Common Reasons for Car Accidents
Due to the large amount of car accident personal injury claims we handle at Flores Law Group, we
have a lot of data and information about how these accidents occur. Here is a list of some of the
more common reasons people get into car accidents in the United States.
Neglecting to Give Right-of-Way When Required
Drivers often find intersections to be a perplexing situation. Despite traffic authorities' attempts
to address this confusion by incorporating green turn arrows and other measures, intersections
remain a frequent location for traffic accidents.
Granting the right-of-way entails coming to a stop at a stop sign or traffic light, allowing other
drivers the opportunity to proceed through the intersection. Neglecting this responsibility is a
prevalent factor leading to a significant type of accident known as a broadside or T-bone
collision. These accidents also have one the highest chances of you receiving a personal injury.
Closely Following Another Driver or Tailgating
Tailgating, commonly referred to as following too closely, stands as the primary reason behind
rear-end accidents. As a motor vehicle operator, it takes a certain amount of time to bring the
vehicle to a halt. This duration includes the driver's perceptual process of identifying a potential
hazard and subsequently responding by applying the brakes. Once the brakes are engaged,
additional time is necessary to stop the momentum of the car. Factors such as the vehicle's
weight contribute to the extended time required to achieve a safe stop, with heavier vehicles like
commercial trucks necessitating more time and distance compared to lighter passenger
Road conditions further influence the overall stopping time. For example, on wet road surfaces,
additional time and distance are essential. However, when drivers tailgate the vehicle ahead of
them, they diminish the available time and distance necessary to safely come to a stop in the
event of sudden deceleration or stoppage by the lead vehicle.
Inability to Stay in Their Lane
Car accidents frequently occur due to lane-change maneuvers. It is imperative for drivers to
adhere to their designated travel lane without deviation. If a driver intends to switch lanes, they
must activate the vehicle's turn signal to communicate their intentions to other drivers.
Additionally, they should wait for a suitable gap in traffic within the desired lane before initiating
the lane change.
In cases where a driver fails to maintain their lane, it often indicates impaired driving due to
alcohol or drug consumption. Erratic lane weaving or straddling multiple lanes are conspicuous
behaviors associated with impaired driving, potentially leading to a traffic stop for suspected
Going Over the Speed Limit
Speeding encompasses both driving at a speed surpassing the designated speed limit and
driving excessively fast considering the prevailing road conditions, such as traffic or weather
circumstances that necessitate a prudent driver to slow down for safe navigation. Speeding
stands as a significant catalyst for collisions and contributes to approximately one-quarter of
fatal crashes nationwide. Here are some ways that speeding becomes hazardous to other
● Heightened risk of losing control over the vehicle.
● Diminished effectiveness of the vehicle's safety features, including seat belts, airbags,
and the structural integrity of the vehicle.
● The increased distance required to bring the vehicle to a secure stop.
● Amplified force and severity of a collision.
Impairment Due to Drugs and Alcohol
On a daily basis, roughly 30 individuals lose their lives on American roads due to the
consequences of alcohol-impaired driving. Despite a one-third decrease in drunk driving rates
over the past three decades, the statistics continue to be alarming: Approximately 10,000 lives
are claimed by drunk driving annually in the United States, resulting in societal costs amounting
to approximately $44 billion.
Similar to alcohol, drug impairment impairs the necessary skills for the safe operation of a motor
vehicle. Depending on the type of drugs consumed, individuals driving under the influence may
encounter diminished reaction times, compromised decision-making abilities, and reduced
coordination. Alternatively, they may exhibit aggressive or reckless behavior.
Driving While Tired
As reported by the National Safety Council, approximately half of all drivers in the United States
acknowledge the habit of driving while inadequately rested, while around 20 percent confess to
dozing off while driving. Fatigue-induced driving impairs many of the same skills required for the
safe operation of a motor vehicle, mirroring the effects of alcohol impairment. Such effects
include delayed reaction times, compromised attention span towards driving, and reduced
awareness of potential hazards. Driving while fatigued elevates the risk of a collision threefold,
and staying awake for 20 consecutive hours produces similar impacts to driving at the legal limit
of alcohol impairment.
Driving While Distracted
Distracted driving involves operating a vehicle while diverting one's attention to other matters.
There exist three distinct types of driving distractions:
● Manual distractions encompass any activities that cause the driver to remove their
hands from the steering wheel.
● Cognitive distractions include anything that occupies the driver's thoughts, diverting them
from driving attentively.
● Visual distractions encompass anything that directs the driver's gaze away from the
Certain driving distractions may fall under multiple categories. Texting, recognized as
particularly hazardous while driving, serves as an example of all three distraction types.
Remarkably, when traveling at a speed of 55 miles per hour, the time taken to read or respond
to a text message equates to covering the length of a football field without having at least one
hand on the wheel, without maintaining visual focus on the road, and without devoting attention
to the task of driving.
Road Rage
Engaging in careless or reckless driving actions, such as speeding, failure to yield, and
aggressive maneuvers, falls under the category of aggressive driving. Areas with heavy traffic
congestion often witness such behaviors as frustrated drivers seeking ways to escape the
situation. Road rage encompasses many of these actions, along with additional behaviors like
honking, gesturing, shouting at other drivers, and even attempting to forcibly remove other
vehicles from the road or engaging in physical confrontations outside of vehicles.
Aggressive driving plays a significant role in approximately 66 percent of fatal accidents in the
United States. Shockingly, 37 percent of aggressive driving incidents involve the presence of
firearms, highlighting the severity of the situation. Furthermore, about half of the drivers who
reported being victims of aggressive driving also confessed to responding with aggressive
behaviors of their own.
The Different Kinds of Car Accidents and What They Mean for
While the causes of car accidents may not directly impact the severity of a crash, the type of
accident itself plays a significant role. Here are some of the common car accident scenarios we
see at Flores Law Group.
● Head-on collision: Head-on collisions are relatively uncommon, accounting for about 2
percent of all motor vehicle crashes but contributing to a higher proportion of fatalities.
This type of accident occurs when the front of one vehicle collides with the front of
another vehicle. The severity is amplified by the forward motion of both vehicles during
impact. Head-on collisions typically result from wrong-way driving, chain reaction
crashes, or impaired/fatigued driving that causes a vehicle to cross into oncoming traffic.
● Rear-end collision: This happens when one vehicle's front collides with the rear of
another vehicle. Often, it occurs due to inadequate following distance, preventing the
following driver from stopping in time when the lead car abruptly halts or slows down.
Contrary to popular belief, the following driver isn't always at fault. If the following driver
can prove that the lead car entered the travel lane without sufficient space, was
reversing during the accident, or failed to signal while turning, the lead driver can be held
● Sideswipe collision: Sideswipe collisions take place when the sides of two vehicles make
contact. These accidents often occur due to improper lane changes, where one driver
attempts to pass another but misjudges the available space to return to their original
lane of travel.
● Broadside collision: Broadside collisions, also known as side-angle or T-bone collisions,
occur when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another. These accidents
frequently happen at intersections when a driver fails to yield the right-of-way. They can
also occur when a vehicle pulls out from a driveway or parking lot without ensuring a
safe gap in traffic. Occupants of the side-struck vehicle often sustain severe injuries due
to the reduced protection on the sides, especially when there is a significant size
difference between the vehicles involved.
● Single-car accident: This is the most common type of car accident involving only one
vehicle. It may also involve pedestrians or cyclists or occur when the driver collides with
an object or veers off the road.
● Rollover accident: Rollover accidents can involve one or multiple vehicles and occur
when a vehicle rolls over on the roadway, across a median, or down an embankment.
Even restrained occupants face a high risk of injury due to the uncontrolled movement of
the vehicle and its contents. Rollover accidents can be categorized as tripping, caused
by the vehicle's tires hitting an object like a median or guardrail, or untripped, often
resulting from excessive speed leading to loss of control.
Remember that the information provided here is for educational purposes only, and if you are
involved in an accident, it is crucial to consult legal professionals at Flores Law Group to fully
understand your situation and file a personal injury claim that fits you.
The Injuries You Can Expect From a Car Accident
Car accidents are devastating events that can impact every aspect of your life. There is not an
area on your body that is safe from a car accident. It is estimated that 4.5 million people require
medical treatment following a car accident every single year. These medical costs can lead
individuals and families to struggle to survive. Here are some of the more common personal
injuries we see at Flores Law Group resulting from a car accident.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Car accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries, contributing to approximately half of
all new spinal cord injury diagnoses each year.
The extent of functional loss resulting from a spinal cord injury primarily depends on the location
of the injury along the spinal cord. In general, injuries higher up on the cord lead to a greater
loss of sensation and function in various parts of the body.
Brain Injuries
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is classified as an acquired brain injury, which means it is not
inherited, present at birth, degenerative, or related to the birthing process. TBI can be either
mild, moderate, or severe.
Typically, this type of injury arises from a forceful impact or jarring motion to the head or body.
Traumatic brain injuries can be categorized as either open injuries involving the penetration of
an object through the protective skull or closed injuries occurring within the skull without external
Broken Bones
Although bones possess a certain degree of rigidity, their ability to flex under force is limited.
However, when the applied force exceeds this limit, such as in the case of a car accident, the
bones can fracture. Due to the immense force often involved in car accidents, bone fractures
tend to be severe. Similar to traumatic brain injuries, broken bones are classified as either open
fractures, where the bone protrudes through the skin, or closed fractures, where the fracture
remains internal without breaking through the skin.
The healing process for fractures typically takes several weeks or months. Some individuals
may experience prolonged pain even after the fracture has healed, while others may encounter
improper healing resulting in a shortened or deformed limb. In certain cases, surgical
intervention involving the implantation of screws may be necessary to stabilize the fractured
Emotional and Lasting Damage
Apart from the financial burden associated with car accident injuries, the injuries themselves can
have a profound and lasting impact on your daily life. You may be unable to work either due to
the severity of your injuries or because you need to attend numerous medical appointments
related to your injuries. In some cases, individuals are unable to return to work altogether due to
permanent disabilities resulting from their injuries.
Severe injuries can significantly change family dynamics as you may undergo personality shifts
and become dependent on others for personal and self-care tasks. Hobbies that were once
enjoyed may become impossible to pursue, and the injury can have a lasting effect on your self
Our team of experienced car accident lawyers at Flores Law Group is here to assist you in seeking
compensation for the injuries you have suffered as a result of someone else's negligence or
recklessness. Reach out to us today for a complimentary case evaluation, and let us help you
navigate the legal process.

Call For A Personal Case Evaluation
(714) 769-1200